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Friday, March 26, 2010



kelukaan, kesedihan, rantapan, keegoan, kenangan sebuah kehidupan..

hari ini..

masih wujud tangisan semalam yg belum pulih..
gurisan semalam yg masih berbaki..
hati yg terluka pedih tdk terubat..
meninggalkan semalam yg derita..
meninggalkan semalam yg berduka..
bermulalah episod sebuah kemaafan..


masih adakah duka semalam..
masih adakah sebuah perhubungan..
masih adakah nilai kesetiaan..
masih wujudkan rasa kasih sayang..


sanggup bekorban demi sebuah kebahagiaan..
sanggup tinggalkanmu jika itu yg terbaik..
sanggup tinggalkan semua kenangan..


percayalah..aku x sanggup menghadapi kegagalan ini..
hanya kerana kisah semalam..


hati berbicara


maaf bl aku melupakanmu..
maaf bl aku menyakitimu..
maaf bl aku kurang prihatin akan keadaanmu..
maaf bl aku tiada dccmu bl masa engkau memerlukanku..
maaf bl aku bkn yg terbaik buatmu..
maaf bl aku sangsi akan kejujuranmu..
maaf bl aku ingkar akan nasihatmu..
maaf bl aku tdk menyanjungimu..
maaf bl aku membencimu..
maaf bl aku tdk bisa melupakan kisah silammu..


mungkin aku tdk sedar akan kekasaranku..
mungkin aku tdk faham akan kemahuanmu..
mungkin aku tdk mengerti apa yg terbaik buatmu..
mungkin aku alpa akan tanggungjawabku..
mungkin aku sukar menerima kekuranganmu..
mungkin aku lupa siapa km di hatiku..
mungkin aku kurang fasih berbicara..
mungkin aku bkn yg terbaik buatmu..


jika bisa aku putarkan kehidupan..
jika bisa aku ulangi keadaan..
jika bisa aku diccmu..
jika bisa aku memilih..
jika bisa aku melupakan..
jika bisa aku menerima..
jika bisa aku luahkan..


engkau yg terbaik buatku..
engkau yg plg memahamiku..
engkau tabah melayan kerenahku..
engkau sanggup berkorban apa saja demiku..
engkau prihatin akan masalahku..
engkau menyayangiku sepenuh hatimu..
engkau abaikan/lupakan kehendak hatimu demiku..
engkaulah kawan, sahabat, rakan, kekasih, tunang dan bakal suamiku..


hanya mampu berdoa agar hatimu kekal buatku untuk selamanya..
maaf jika selama ini aku gagal menyempurnakan tanggungjawabku..
mungkin aku bkn teman yg terbaik buatmu..
namun jika ko memilih utk tdk bersamaku..
ketahuilah..aku mengerti..aku fahami..
mungkin bkn jodoh kita di dunia..
aku akan sentiasa mendoakan kebahagiaanmu..
agar engkau dipanjangkan usia..
agar engkau lebih matang dlm meneruskan kehidupan..
jika ko masih memerlukanku..
aku akan sentiasa di sini..
menantimu pasti..

kerana aku msh menyintaimu..menyayangimu..
kerana aku sentiasa memerlukanmu..
kerana aku sentiasa merindukanmu..


Thursday, March 25, 2010



u r my life..
u r my hubby..
u r my love..
u r my heart..
u r my sweetheart..
u r my soul..
u r my blood..
u r my eyes..
u r my friend..

and all these, u r ME..

my fiancee, u mean everything to me..
just cant let u out of my mind..
u r always a cell that built me up..

i love u more each second..
i remember u all the time..
i do care for u..
i want u always by my side..
i need u..
i want to share everything with u..
i always pray for ur health, success, career..

n all these because i love u damn much..

with full of loves,

Friday, March 12, 2010

sick vs lover = ?? u tell me!~

when u feel unwell..who is the 1st person u when to??

mum?? dad?? doc?? or lover?? must find their mum/dad..
doc?? huh..when u suffer the max level of ur sick maybe..
x pun..sbb nk dpt MC..haha..


hurm..i think i have the story..
lets check this out..

THIS IS THE TRUE STORY OF MINE.. (March 11, 2010 around 7.25pm-2.26am)

to my dear shahdhiya_iman..
having u in my life is such a big gift i ever had in my entire life..
i really thank you cos u r always here when ever i need u..


lets have the introduction..

i was sick for a week..
and yesterday was the bad one..
there was a blood coming out from my mouth when i coughing..
i never tought it could be as worse as that..

immediately, i told my fiancee..

"sayang..can u see this?? blood!!~" (we having a 3G conversation..)
"yes..of cos..u r in a bad condition dear..have u experienced this b4??" he asked..
"no! never..this is the 1st time" i answered..
"just wait on my way now"
"r u out of ur mind?? u'r not in kl..but kuala must take some time to get here.."
"just wait ok..let me concentrate on my driving, love u.." ( more 3G)

within 2 hours ++ (must be speeding), worried giler!!
but thank god..he arrived safely..i just cant believed this..
but 4sure it was real..

he was here 4 me..
just to make sure that i did my medical check up..
he took me to see a doc..and..alhamdulillah..i am ok..
i took my medicine and i was reminded by my hubby to finished all the "ubat"
huh..hard for me..but i'd promised him..
anything for u sayang..

he sent me home..
huh..until the hard part..dont want to let him go..
but i have too..(he having kursus actually) sad..
but still happy..even for a while..

as time passed by..2.26am..
he sent me sms..

"my princess, patik br smpi..alhamdulillah Allah masih panjangkan jodoh
kt..patik bersyukur sgt..tuan puteri beradulah dulu ye..patik pun agak
kepenatan yg teramat sgt..patik pun nk beradu selepas ini"

for him..
i will always love u..
i will always pray for ur safety..
thanks for being mine..

i was totally happy..there is no word in the world can describe the feeling..
(in appreciate sound)

Thursday, March 11, 2010


huh..almost a week aku batuk2..sakit dada..
aku pelik la plak asl jd cmnie..
nk gi klinik?? gilerr mls..haha..
tu la masalah aku..
sok je kot aku tau ley dpt MC ker..
aku gak yg untung..ari jumaat, dpt MC lak tu..
tu pun klu dpt..

terpk plak..
klu aku da MC..ape aku nk wt kt uma?? (bilik actually)
tdo je ke 1 ari?? ini boleh mendatangkan kemalasan yg melampau..
aku bkn biase mls2 nie..
yo o je..haha..

pape pun tgk la mood aku sok..
klu aku rs nk jmpe en doc..aku jmpe..
klu x..smpi mggu dpn la sakit aku nie..

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

worried?? NO MORE..

"yes dear..i miss u so much too.."

did he really feels so??
i truly trust him..hurm..150% sure!! or shud i say moreeee??

he off to kuala lipis dis time..
oh dear..already miss him so damn much..

but the good thing is that i dont have to worried
about "what he wants to eat eh??" break1st, lunch..dinner..
everything was dere..
just wait for the time..take the food..ngap n..kenyang!!
but dear..dont forget to say THANKS!!

miss u sayang..=)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

still new, young, fresh in blogging!~

hey, im new in blogging..
try to learn sumtin new actually..
might need sum1 expert to teach me..
or mayb give sum ideas in what, why, who, where, when, how (5W 1H principles)
just like writing an essay!

Me. Myself. I.

Wife to Shahrull Abdullah. Super momma to 2 Imans. Not a professional writer.